This is my very first New Year’s resolution!!! I avoid these things because I am afraid that I will fail. Or I know that some goal really isn’t important to me at all. I would like some things to be important but they are not and I fall. This year really is different. I have to make some changes…for me…for my husband and kids…for my brother…because I love Jesus and I am grateful for the life He is giving me now. Really grateful…the kind of gratitude that goes from lukewarm to changing the way I see everything and everyone around me. Some kind of switched turned on somewhere in my soul and now everything is different.

I’ll give you an example: I took a meal to a friend who just had surgery. A nice thing to do..pat myself on the back for being a good friend and Christian and all that…This family is dear to me. I love them…more than they know really. I never get to spend enough time with them. With one of them not able to work at the moment things are a little tight for them. Before leaving I told them that if they needed anything else to let me know and I would be happy to help. The Spirit convicted me and I cried all the way home. Huge tears, loud sobs. I felt like a failure as a Christian! My brother is humbled by his situation and I tell him to humble himself further and make him ask for what he needs?!?!? A Christian’s eyes should be open to see the need and fill it.

I feel like a horse with blinders over my eyes. The really frustrating part is that I know the blinders are still there. I think that if for a moment I could really see the way Jesus sees us that I would die of a broken heart…

Well I got a little off subject…

1. Be healthier. My back is killing me and my current diet isn’t helping either. I need to lose 30 pounds. So healthier food choices and daily exercise. This resolution will be hard…
2. Be a better wife and mother. I’ve been coasting for a while here. I haven’t been bad but I haven’t been great. I’m going to embrace my biblical place in the family and I couldn’t be more excited about a resolution!!!
3. My brother will not be a visitor in my home he will be home…with us. I want him to know he can stay as long as he needs to. He is not a visitor he is HOME. This resolution is needed.
4. Get my CCDW license. Look out y’all!!!
5. I will complete these resolutions to the Glory of my God…cause I am a just another Jesus girl. He is my everything and I plan to live that way…