I kept intending to post on my days off from ClickList. My days off have been busy lately or days filled with sickness. My IBS has not been easy to manage the past month. Some of it is stress related since I am always in pain on Tuesday…therapy day for Sparkles. We’ve been through two joint sessions. Joint sessions are feeding grounds for anxiety. Sparkles and I are equally terrified of joint sessions. On the plus side that terror has led to a bit of bonding and opening up between the two of us. Something I am glad to feel happen. Her therapist has ventured a couple of diagnoses that I have found hard to accept. Not because I do not think they are true but..I’m not ready to label her yet. Some of the things the therapist points out as an exception to the general norm seem rather normal to me. I find some of these qualities within myself. I haven’t had the time to really think through and process all of this information. If I am feeling lost and uncertain, then I can hardly imagine the emotional impact all of this is having on Sparkles. She is going through more than I know how to articulate. If you are the praying sort then please hold her in your prayers.

I find it hard to write when my head is in this state. I keep hoping that life will get easier when I have one less plate to spin…but I’m not so sure. Time will tell.

School is going as well as I expected it to go these days. The kids do quite a bit on their own and we are all behind “the schedule”. I’ve been doing this enough years not to be too alarmed by our inability to keep a schedule…it always works out in the long run.  At least I am not anxious over the schedule.

We went on a little vacation over the weekend. It was nice to just relax and have almost nothing to do. However, I just realized I forgot to call my mom on Sunday…ugh. I’ll get an earful now.