my little helper
my little helper

Monday morning was horrible. Sometime during the night Microsoft stole Windows 7 and replaced it with Windows 10.

WTF Bill Gates??? What a dreadful thing to do on a Monday! Well…any day of the week, really. I am not happy with you sir!

The rest of our week was slow and rather quiet. We took lots of walks around the neighborhood. The boys played outside and worked on some schooling. Sparkles slowly began to show some signs of improvement. She tires very easily and is still very ill. She received a get well card from one of her aunts this week and it just brightened her day. She carried it around for hours and it is still sitting at her spot at the table.

waiting for the doctor
waiting for the doctor

I took Sparkles to see our new family doctor this week. He is wonderful and didn’t want to wait for Sparkles to see a specialist to begin tests. He spent lots of time asking questions and ruled out several possibilities already. The nurse had a hard time collecting blood samples because she is so dehydrated. I’ve noticed that Sparkles is trying harder to stay hydrated after that experience. The doctor also sent us home with a five gallon bag of sampling equipment to bring in tomorrow…and I’ll spare you the details. I am glad a friend recommended this doctor to us. We’ll be able to go to the

morning sunshine
morning sunshine

specialist’s office with the results from these tests and get answers and possibly a diagnosis much sooner. We love out new family doctor…who just happened to have been homeschooled!!! Sadly, we did learn that Sparkles has lost ten percent of her body weight since her trip to the emergency room…in eleven days. Frightening. We also got a call this week and her appointment with a specialist was moved up to June 21st.

Good night
Good night

For those of you who have been praying for her–Thank you so very much!!

I haven’t any big plans for this week. I plan for the boys to continue with some schoolwork…math and such. I am considering getting Oldest started on his science for seventh grade. We could do some one on one time together and get him prepared for working and learning on his own. Dr. Wile suggested this method to me when I asked about teaching science at the middle grade levels. I can also spend more time with Littlest too

pool time
pool time

as he learns to read. I had lots of plans for group learning over the summer but I think I will switch over to one on one time with each kiddo. Sparkles can rest this summer. She has participated in the art and nature journaling this week and even wrote a little essay on her trip to the emergency room. I will simply let her choose when she can work on schooling. She tires out rather quickly.

page in art journal
page in art journal

I’ve spent time reading this week and working in my art journal. I’ve nearly completed the Sarah Mackenzie book and plan to begin The Living Page by Laurie Bestvater next. I finally came up with an idea for my art project for the Brave Writer retreat and plan to do some sketches to work on how to approach the idea. Maybe I’ll have something to show next week…

Linking up with: Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers