
in pursuit of wild things


November 2013

Weekly Wrap-up: Well…Monthly This Time

Time got away from me this month and I am very late getting the weekly wrap-ups posted. Turns out my husband likes to read them and misses hearing about our school week and my silly banter. I have been a bit quiet... Continue Reading →

One Year Later

Exactly one year ago I received a phone call...a horrible cry for help from my brother. He was in the process of killing himself with alcohol...he actually died in the hospital from alcohol poisoning. I didn't realize it at the... Continue Reading →

Weekly Wrap-up: 100 Days and Looking Ahead

Yesterday, I received an unexpected gift. A box containing two precious loaves of bread: one white and one whole wheat. These are not just any loaves of bread...these are from the Passionist Nuns in Erlanger. Every time I toast a piece of their... Continue Reading →

Not Exactly a Weekly Wrap-up: Turning Three and Halloween

Littlest turned three on Monday. In true three-year old fashion he had a one hour temper tantrum on his birthday. His antics were so amusing I took a picture to remember the moment by...Three is such a tough age. I'm... Continue Reading →

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