selfie snuggles with Littlest

I’m sitting in a local coffee shop while my daughter chats with a friend. This is the first time we’ve done something like this. I guess there will be more outings with friends. Oldest hasn’t asked to have any of his friends over but I guess I should encourage him to do so. Sparkles was really nervous and kinda dreading this outing. I promised her that I would not sit at the same table…but I think I’ll also bring headphones next time because the space is mall and it is easy to overhear. I kinda like hanging out at the coffee shop and writing. I like it or maybe I just really like my dirty chai that is heavy on the ginger. The last time I had one of their chai’s the drink was too sweet and heavy with cinnamon and barely had any ginger. Today’s is just right! I could get used to hanging out here. I’ll have to remember to stop at Kentucky Knows and pick up some caramel bourbon beans before leaving.

Sparkles at the specialist office

Sparkles did not have a great week. I spent the entire Tuesday session with the therapist for a parent update. At least it wasn’t a joint session! For the most part I am hopeful that Sparkles will be okay. She wrote a poem (she says song) that was a little unnerving but at the same time I recognized her writing talent in the piece. She felt betrayed by a friend and put all the pain into her song. She also shared her personal art journal with me this week. She is a talented self-taught little artist and I like to see her creations. Her personal journal is emotional. She draws her feelings more than writes about them. I felt like it was a privilege to get a brief glimpse at her journal and put on a positive face about it. Some of the stuff bothered me and I asked her to show it to her therapist. I may be overreacting a tiny bit. Hard to say. I think the therapist will be a long time individual in our life.

Sparkles told me that her songs are set to music that she hears in her head. This week when

taking his turn as bunny shepherd

piano lessons start back up, I do want to talk to their teacher about helping her get these out of her head and into reality. She and Middle Boy both need help developing this skill. I have no idea if this will be a talent they can monetize in the future but I do feel strongly about encouraging my children’s creativity. Generally, I have not been bossy with the music teachers but I feel that I will have to intervene with the guitar teacher or Oldest will lose interest. If he has to spend another year learning classical or jazz pieces he will quit playing altogether. Of course, it would be nice if his teacher was a bit more grounded on this planet. Really nice guy though.

Don’t be evil. I’ve encountered that phrase several times this week from books to online articles. Today it is the password for the coffeeshop’s wifi. Just struck me as an odd coincidence.

I’m trying not to listen to my daughter’s conversation but sometimes she belts out an odd phrase

Oldest at Street Rod National’s

or two. She is discussing the story she is writing with her friend but I just heard; “I’m in no cult, thank you very much! I pride myself on that!”

I remember being a lonely strange teenager too. I am just glad she has a friend that sounds so encouraging. Listening to two teenage girls talk about writing and literary techniques is extraordinary. I have not wasted my time educating my own children.

Littlest and I have been watching Michael Wood’s documentary on India. We spent most of our time learning about ancient India. I’m not sure he is as interested as I am though. I think home educating mother’s have a tendency to go overboard with history and I have been no exception.

cute moment

I’ve tried to back off a bit and do the deep dives on my own. Littlest and I are going to make Palak Paneer this week before moving on to Antarctica. Littlest also decided that he wants to have a proper science curriculum and not just read nature books. He still wants to read the books but he wants to be like his older siblings and have a science book. He is trying so hard to grow up.

Yesterday, I enjoyed lunch out with my husband at a local Mexican restaurant. The food was really good and the company was the best. The restaurant had a small shrine set up to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I felt so sad when I saw the shrine but brushed the feelings aside. Now, that I have had time to ponder my reaction I realize that I just miss going to church. For me that

corn left in lotus over night

means a church with rituals. I miss the incense, kneeling, statues and even confession. I keep having this recurring dream about going to confession. Usually, I go into the confessional but cannot remember the prayer. Last night I had the same dream but this time I remembered how to begin. “Forgive my Father, for I have sinned…” But then I couldn’t remember how long it had been since my last confession.

Eighteen years. It has been eighteen years since my last confession. That would be a really long confession if I went. Bet my penance would be more that a few “Hail Mary’s”. I miss the Church.

Shannon and Oldest went to the 49th Annual Street Rod Nationals in Louisville this week. They saw acres of cars and didn’t see close to everything. They had a pretty good time. I would

purple martins

have liked to have gone too but the younger crew are just not into cars; at least not as an all day trip. My husband did get a few hood ornament pictures for me including a mermaid and Pontiac the Chief. They did get to see the new Bullet Mustang, some Gran Torinos, and a working ice cream truck.

Every morning this week I’ve sat outside with a cup of coffee watching the second set of purple martin babies grow up. This week they have mastered gliding into a landing. Pretty soon they will be leaving for South America. I’ll watch them again this week and hopefully it will not be the last.